Yearly Archives: 2023


Web3 – The Decentralized Internet of the Future


Web3 technology enables decentralized applications and services that run on a peer-to-peer network, making the internet more secure and transparent. By leveraging blockchain technology, Web3 creates a more open and equitable online experience, where users can participate in a decentralized economy and enjoy greater privacy and security. This SlideShare explores the concept of Web3 in brief.

Web3 – The Decentralized Internet of the Future2023-02-13T05:06:54+00:00

Deep Recommendations for e-Commerce


Nowadays, product recommendation engines can understand customers in real time and suggest the best matching using several different machine learning algorithms. e-Commerce stores stand to gain by implementing recommendation engines, especially based on deep learning. This SlideShare explores the concept of using deep recommendations for e-commerce in brief.

Deep Recommendations for e-Commerce2023-02-01T07:21:27+00:00

SLSA – An End-to-End Framework for Supply Chain Integrity


SLSA (pronounced "salsa") is a security framework from source to service, giving anyone working with software a common language for increasing levels of software security and supply chain integrity. This SlideShare explores the concept of SLSA in brief.

SLSA – An End-to-End Framework for Supply Chain Integrity2023-01-16T12:12:17+00:00